Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Blocks received May 22

These blocks arrived yesterday but noone checked the mail box until this morning because yesterday was son's graduation from high school! you can see pics at the family blog if you care to see him in his finery.
The first block is from Edith Shanholt who so kindly made the block I designed to honor my friendship with Winnie. How absolutely adoreable this block is done up in pink and brown with a hint of green and of course good ole' muslin. Thank you Edith for making a block for this quilt and for choosing my design.
This block is from Brigitte and it travelled a long distance in order to be in this quilt too. It is so lovely and bright and happy. I gave them both kisses, took their pictures and right after work tonight I will put them on the design wall in the 12 empty places for this sized block to go.

I need to pick out sashing fabric for this quilt. I'm going to cut the pieces 1 1/2" and then use my handy dandy 5 1/2" sized Creative Grids ruler to square each of them up. they will be a wee bit odd sized in the sashings to all be the same size for assembly but they ALL come with the same size love attached to them ... HUGE...!

Thank you again all for participating in this and I can hardly wait to design the other side of jane with the rest of the blocks....


okay so proud mom could not resist just one pic of son and his family here at the site. hope it is not too large for loading on your pcs to view. :)

Me (mom), my step-dad, my MIL, DH just barely seen in back, Neal the graduate, my mom, my FIL my SIL

You see National Honor Society white, gold tassel braid is Honor Society and there is a East Bay Indian very heavy weight pendant on that grey ribbon. He graduated with a GPA of 6.34 and third in his class of 456 students.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Blocks received May 18th and 19th :)

A-1 in 9 1/2" size by Annie Foss

Two siggie blocks from Stephanie Gallegos

And now I am current on the thank you emails and the pictures and the postings for the Remembering Our Civil War Winnie comfort quilt for Tom and his family. Well, current until the mail arrives later today that is.

You are all the Best!
www.debratdesigns.com for the block designed in memory of my dear friend Winnie Ledoux

I've got a cold :(

oh I'm soo sick and all I want to do is sleep. I got like 12 hours last night but I want more. But dh is making too much noise with saturday "chores" for me to sleep. sigh. So here I sit reading emails and in one of them Hanne mentioned she linked my blog to her blog....now I am puzzling and puzzling over how to do this and all i come up with is a painful head. Okay, so my head was already painful, but now it is worse!

Anyone know how to do this? Link a blog to my blog? I've seen blogs with listings on the side. Do i need to change my layout set up to do this? what if everything got lost? eeek that would be horrible. All of the Winnie Blocks are on this blog and all of THEE Wedding Quilt progress is here. I think I'll wait until I figure out how to back up my blog some how so I can then test out this "linking bit"

Well the mind boggles at this thought process and I really need to take pics of the two latest blocks and post them for all to see.

Last evening, when I was trying sending thank you's to the two person's who just sent in blocks I had the horrible realisation that somehow when I posted all the pics I missed sending thank you notes to a whole day's worth of people who sent blocks for the Remembering Our Civil War Winnie quilt! Oh my! So then I went email by email through the "expected blocks" folder to see if any others had been missed. Indeed there were others. I'm so truly sorry. I messed up. So I then went email by email through the "received blocks" folder and made sure that was all in order also.

So now other than owing the posting of two blocks received on May 18th and May 19th I'm all caught up!

Perhaps after a second cup of tea?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Oddball facts and numbers

So I'm the numbers type and I thought you might like to know....
I have received 121 blocks for the "Remembering our Civil War Winnie" quilt project.
There were:

86 - DJ sized blocks
2 - Kites
14 - Diamonds
1 - 15 1/2" block
1 - 10 1/2" block
2 - 9 1/2" blocks
2 - 8" blocks
16 - 6 1/2" blocks
1 - 5 3/4" block
1 - 6 1/4" x 7 1/2" block

Thank you so very much all this will shape up to be a lovely lovely quilt. You guys are AWESOME! ~ denise

No blocks on May 16th or 17th

There were no blocks on the 16th or 17th, probably a huge hint to catch this board back up again for everyone to see the blocks, diamonds, kites sent!

On Mother's Day, my youngest son gave me flowers! My first Mother's Day flowers ever and the first flowers he has given me. He is getting too old sigh

He also had to work that day all day long so when dh went to Home Depot he asked if I wanted to go along. To bribe me he offered me a plant. I chose this lovely Lily of the Nile to remind me of Winnie. Because the plant is so different with its snake looking flower stem and Winnie and I had a "different" friendship being via internet and phone only.

Let me know if you like the plant I chose.

Love and hugs,

Blocks received May 15th

Diamonds from Kathy Timmons

From Brenda Papadakis-queen of the blanket circus! time for the story to be told once more Brenda!

Blocks from Hanne Schneider in Norway!

Blocks from Dianne Latendresse in Canada!

Diamonds from Val Champ in Canada!

Blocks received May 13th

CW Diary Block by Linda Boyle

Susan Fields' Diamond

Marianna Bergkamp's blocks

Mickie Sharkey's Kite, block and some audtiioning solid tri's

Mary Althaus' (avalon) blocks

Blocks received May 12th

Angel block from Sandy Hill

Block by Judy Meyer

Next three pics blocks by Martha Bilski

Blocks received May 11th (including ones collected by Tracey Craven at Shipshewana retreat!

Some of these blocks were collected by tracey craven in Shipshewana. Thank you Tracey!

This first picture are all blocks by Tracey.

Heart and hand by Susan Kraftcheck
QD 132 by ?

Blocks by Cindy Garcia

Blocks by Debbie Frey

Clockwise starting with the diamond: Sandra Stine, Coral Pariso(2), Bernadine Rohr (2)

Blocks by Jodi Marker

Blocks received May 10th

I am so far behind on posting these for you to see.
Please forgive me.

Blocks from Sandy Coe Above pics

Blocks from JoAnne Reid above pic

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Blocks received May 9th

Blocks from Donna Fischer

Blocks from Judi Kipling

This brings the total number of blocks to 36 with one kite! You all are so wonderful to send blocks like this for the "cheer up Winnie" quilt project.
Love and hugs

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Possible layout for the "cheer up Winnie" quilt

Hi all,

Here is the EQ print out of the possible layout for the Winnie quilt. It is hard to see but there is a tiny 1/2" finished inner border before the tri's.

Have a blessing filled day and thank you to all who sent blocks or emailed to expect blocks.


More blocks for "cheer up Winnie" quilt

Let's get straight to the good stuff, the pics!

Blocks from Char Calala

Blocks from Karan Flanscha

Blocks from Goldie Morrow

Block and card from Holly Sweet

Blocks from

Blocks from

Block from Janice Erickson

13 scrappy tris sewn so far

Friday, May 05, 2006

What I am reading?

Occassionally, I visit a woman's blog (don't recall anything other than it is Mary on the Stashbuster list - yahoo groups- and she is in New England. I love to see what she is currently reading. She is an AVID reader. Me, I can take a long time to read one book as I read during my lunch at work (and not every day) and just before bed most nights to help me fall asleep or while "floating" about in the pool working on my tan for THEE wedding in August. What this means is I read some pages twice as I may be really really tired and forget what I read the last time and need to re-read a page or two to refresh my aging braincells. Not good for fast turn over of books.

This is my first Martha Grimes' book and it is okay. Not a romance and not a good-enough mystery so I am not flying through it. It needs to "pickup" soon or I will be just wasting my time finishing it. I rarely do not finish a book but this one I am considering.

Oh and I get them at the library and pay 50 cents for a paperback and $1 for a hardbound book. I found that checking out books was creating a long long line of renewals. At the cost of gas I can get a good bargain and only go about 4 times a year. Last Saturday I went and got 14 paperbacks and 5 hardbound books for the grand total of $12 left in the envelope. Add to that less than $3 in gasoline(currently $2.91 a gallon) and you have a great deal, eh?

This is the magazine I got in the mail yesterday. I thought my subscription had expired but they (magazines) send the renewal notices so early now that who can tell. I am looking forward to reading this magazine as I am trying very hard to get a spinning wheel. They come in such a variety of options and prices that I am building a spreadsheet of the different things to consider.

My water housed friends at work

My boss's boss mentioned he had heard I had a "pet. I corrected him and let him know indeed I have two water-housed friends at my desk. They do make the day go bye enjoyably and as time goes on they are starting to show their personalities. Kit, the male betta fish is a pig! He has been eating everything intended for the African Dwarf Frog, froggie. Poor froggie I hope he makes it as he is such a mellow dude. He just hangs out with his body curved around the little half round stones in the 1 gallon tank they share. Or goes to the surface and "dangles" there. I'd love to put in a larger tank but I do have to remember I AM at work.

Kit and froggie watching me take their picture.

Kit upclose and blurry. He does not hold still as well as froggie does, thus his name S"KIT"ish. When I first got him he would nearly jump when the lab door would close over 50' away!

Froggie upclose and mellow. This morning he was even swimming about the tank. I have only seen him eat one pellet of food a couple days ago so I hope that he eats from the "bottom" as he is suppose to do this weekend. It is pretty messy down there right now with all the food that is just for him and sinks to his bottom location. Even Kit did not eat this last batch of food. Somewhere I have pics of the prehistoric looking dinosaurs I "grew" in Kit's original Publix mixed nut plastic jar to feed to Froggie. Kit scoffed the first two up so fast I was afraid to try and feed Froggie any more for fear that Kit would explode. The piglet!