Saturday, May 20, 2006

I've got a cold :(

oh I'm soo sick and all I want to do is sleep. I got like 12 hours last night but I want more. But dh is making too much noise with saturday "chores" for me to sleep. sigh. So here I sit reading emails and in one of them Hanne mentioned she linked my blog to her I am puzzling and puzzling over how to do this and all i come up with is a painful head. Okay, so my head was already painful, but now it is worse!

Anyone know how to do this? Link a blog to my blog? I've seen blogs with listings on the side. Do i need to change my layout set up to do this? what if everything got lost? eeek that would be horrible. All of the Winnie Blocks are on this blog and all of THEE Wedding Quilt progress is here. I think I'll wait until I figure out how to back up my blog some how so I can then test out this "linking bit"

Well the mind boggles at this thought process and I really need to take pics of the two latest blocks and post them for all to see.

Last evening, when I was trying sending thank you's to the two person's who just sent in blocks I had the horrible realisation that somehow when I posted all the pics I missed sending thank you notes to a whole day's worth of people who sent blocks for the Remembering Our Civil War Winnie quilt! Oh my! So then I went email by email through the "expected blocks" folder to see if any others had been missed. Indeed there were others. I'm so truly sorry. I messed up. So I then went email by email through the "received blocks" folder and made sure that was all in order also.

So now other than owing the posting of two blocks received on May 18th and May 19th I'm all caught up!

Perhaps after a second cup of tea?


Blogger Shelina said...

Aww, hope you feel better.

5/20/2006 7:42 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Hanne helped me get the sidebar on my blog. I could not have done it without her. I would like your permission to link you to my blog if I can figure out how to do it.
My url is:
I know you will want to see where the link is going.

5/22/2006 6:30 AM  

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