Life: Joys and Sorrows
today is May 20th, yesterday my dear friend, Joanna Fritz-Reed left her cancer riddled earthly body and went to enjoy her heavenly body. I am beyond saddened by this loss. I want to "keep" a couple of the postings I made recently on a yahoo group I'm on so I can remember some things better. My memory is not what it once was and I want to be able to take out these memories and enjoy them often.
so here are some clippings from my posts:
onMay 7th on Stashbusters I wrote:
okay i have no clue what day is the brag day anymore as I'm nowclose to 1200 msgs behind.but on saturday a group of us got together and made a quilt for mydear friend joanna who is stage 4 breast cancer. we sewed togethera quilt top that is 70 x 84 currently and I will add the flange and7 " all around border as soon as i can (this is the nearly two weeksi work 8-8 most nights) i did sew the backing on saturday night andsunday i went to my other friend's house where the mid-arm islocated. I played for 4 hours on that thing and STILL can't get alocked stitch. we think we have narrowed it down to how i amloading it on the rails. sigh..... i only wish it had beensomething easily fixed!the good news is: when I finally get the bobbin thread and the topthread to form a completed stitch i will have nice even quiltingstitches in the project! my holes were evenly spaced LOLi worked on scrap fabric so....the other braggies are:i used up over 2 yards in my girlfriends quilt as my stash had someof the fabric she needed to "re-create" a quilt made over a yearago. AND i used over 2 yards of fabric messing around with the darnstitches formed, or rather NOT formed on the longarm.anyway that is my bragging for today, may 7th now i'm off to run tothe ladies room so i 'll be already to answer the phones come 5 pm.
denise/deBRAT in too hot florida with NOT enough DAYs let alonehours in those days
May 14th~
hi alli am STILL behind on emails, i am currently on April 27th... sighBUT today i am putting the binding onto a quilt that i machinequilted this weekend for my dear friend Joanna that i have postedabout the past couple of weeks. She told me tonight how much sheappreciates that i am working on her quilt and that she knows I amso gungho about it because i did not get to finish Winnie's (OurCivil War Winnie for those who are janiacs) until after herpassing. Joanna had to say it to make me "see" it. She was rightabout my subconcious. She is so often my braggie is that if I get a move on on this quilt binding ihave about 120" left to go and i'm a slow hand binder-whipper-downerLOL then I can get it to her tomorrow after work. she said bring ittonight but i want to wash it and get good pics of it before i turnit over. then again, i just might take it to her and then go to herhouse on friday night and wash it for her and take the pics whilethere! I ahve a photographer's background stand and I use that totake good pics of my quilts. well, I "should" use that but often iam in a hurry and don't get a "GOOD " pic just a fast pic on thefloor while standing on the arm of my sofa (oh so safe, eh?) whichis exactly what i took BEFORE i invested 80 bucks in the stand. LOLoh well, the quilt will not get done if i am typing. thank you forbeing there for me so I could braghugs,denise/deBRAT-jane
NOTE: i delivered it that evening at Joanna's insistence without pre-washing it for her. Taht was the last time I saw her :( She was so happy over the quilt being finished
May 17th
last night was the first evening when I was not working until 8 pm,or going to a department dinner, or getting massage therapy, or ableto visit my dear friend Joanna in a very long time.I sewed up a pillowcase that Joanna got the fabric for when we sewedher quilt top a two saturdays ago. now I need to remember whichfriend she intended it for when she got the fabric. it is santassurfing and relaxing at the beach. and it is really cute! but mostimportantly, now done!I hemmed (by machine, Life is too short to have done it by hand) a 6tier skirt I started on nearly a month ago. and i put the elasticwaist band on it. thank you to the Mary that sent my elastic awhile back when I first mentioned using stash up by making someskirts. i am wearing it today in hopes that Joanna will want tosee me briefly tonight after work. As it is all yellow fabric withflowers all over them she will have a huge smile on her face whenshe sees it. I plan to make more of these from my stash. it used,hmmm how much fabric did it use? pardon for used 6 1/2 yards cuts and one 1/4 yard cut and several FQ's andanother 1/4 yard cut for the waistband. so that is , drumrollplease.......4 1/2 yards! woohooowhat else did I do. I thought I did something else in the sewingroom last night. Oh well, today dh leaves to spend a couple of dayswith his dad (83) as his mom travels to accept a roller skatingaward for them. She is (82) and if you roller skate(or did) youwill know of them as George and Gladys Werner who inventedthe "Werner Tango". The were pro's and actually coached a Canadianroller skating team years ago too. They are in some skating hall offame type place in Ohio (ithink it is Ohio) too. so... if you eversee their name on a plaque or in a newspaper know that I am theirdaughter-in-law. They are the ones that treat me like a princesswhen i go to visit. anyway, mom (mil) was too worried about dadbeing alone after all of his back and hip surgeries that she was notgoing to go. but with my dh going over for a couple of days to keephim company, she is now off to wherever it is to receive the award.dh will be doing lots of "yard" work for his mom while he is there.he had a list of gardeing gloves, 3 sizes of bush shears and pottingsoil.well i can't recall what else i did and as it is lunch time i'm offto go sit in my hot car and begin reading a new book (The StoneMonkey)
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